Read to your Kids; It’s a Good Thing2015 November 04
Children love snuggling with those special people in their lives to have stories read to them. They enjoy the closeness that comes from the time spent together and they learn so much about the world around them through books. Through books, children learn good communication skills, they learn the rhythm and cadence of language and they learn higher level thinking skills. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that parents begin reading to their children at birth and continue at least through kindergarten. “Children who are read to, especially before school entry, experience stronger parent-child relationships and learn valuable language and literacy skills.” A new study out in September looked at the relationship between parent-child reading and brain activity. They found children from more stimulating home reading environments had greater activity in brain areas supporting story comprehension and visual imagery, which are both important for language and reading. You can also add another positive result by reading personalized books to your children. A story in which your child is a central part of the storyline teaches him about his own uniqueness, and promotes a positive self-esteem, along with an early love of reading. With that in mind, has created two very special personalized books for babies and children. Each book contains the child’s name and other details unique to your child. In addition, each book contains a special character to find on the pages of the story.
These personalized books will soon become favorites, reminding children each time they read them, just how unique and wonderful they are. Sharing this gift of reading with your children has many benefits, but probably the most valuable are the memories created during those special times they spend with you. |