Let's Make Oobleck like Dr. Seuss!2015 April 15
Inspired by the Dr. Suess book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, science and preschool teachers have been intriguing kids with a fun to play with substance that contains the properties of both a solid and a liquid. It’s easy to make and will give your children a sensory filled experience. Oobleck is a fascination concoction. If you squeeze it or punch it, it feels hard. If you hold it in your hand, it will eventually ooze off your fingers like a thick liquid. Scientists call this non-Newtonian, but anyone who has played with it calls it just plain fun. You can make your own very easily at home. 1 cup of water
For added fun you can hide small objects in the Oobleck like buttons, plastic creatures or beads. Drive Matchbox cars along the surface and then let the car go and watch it slowly sink.
You can also read the Dr. Seuss book to your kids. There is also an interactive book app available on iTunes. Mythbusters has a short video showing how you can walk on this mixture, but then also sink in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wiYtoG9kZE If you are interested in the science behind this substance, CLICK HERE and there is a short video and information about it.
*These photos are from 1plus1plus1equals1
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