Easter Crafts for Kids, Moms and Dads2016 March 21
Easter is Christianity’s most important day because it celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection. Its customs vary across the world. They include going to church, attending a sunrise service, and gathering with family and friends to celebrate. Many people decorate, hide, and hunt for eggs. Some enjoy tales of the Easter Bunny, cheering at Easter parades and wearing fancy Easter hats, preparing special dinners. Kids of all ages nibble on chocolate bunnies, jelly beans and marshmallow chicks, and create Easter crafts. Here are 6 Easter crafts for families to make together:
Your family and company will oooh & aaah over this colorful, tasty Easter Cake. It’s the perfect treat for parent and child to make together. Ingredients: 1 box cake mix (any flavor); 1 can frosting (vanilla shows decorations best); 16 – 20 Peeps; Bag of Easter colored M&Ms. Directions: 1. Have children mix the batter and pour into cake pans. 2. Bake the cake as directed on the box and let it cool. 3. Parent spread the frosting over the cake. 3. Children can press the Peeps into the frosting covering all around the cake. Be sure to alternate the colors. 4. Children can place M&Ms over the top of the cake. 4. After dinner, slice & enjoy! EASY TO MAKE BUNNY MASKS Precut a bunny mask on white cardboard. Make ear inners with pink constraction paper. Let the fun begin as the kids paste “fluffed-out” cottonballs on the mask. Add string. tie on and do the bunny hop all around the house. http://babyccinokids.com/blog/2011/04/18/easter-craft-bunny-masks/ COLORFUL EASTER EGGS This colorful Easter-Egg is fun for all the little ones. Cutting and pasting are easy and fun for little hands. You can use an empty cereal box for your egg background, just draw an egg shape and cut it out. Your little ones can cut out squares of tissue paper and crumple them. Paint your egg with glue, and then let the kids get creative with placing the crumpled tissue on the egg. http://www.thesuburbanmom.com/2012/04/06/upcycled-easter-egg-kids-craft/
EASTER BIRD FEEDERS FOR OUR FINE FEATHERY FRIENDS This craft involves the whole family: Mom, Dad and the kids. Make several of these Easter Egg Bird Feeders for your feathery tree friends. Give the birds with a healthy treat, and if you’re luky, you’ll hear them tweet their thanks. All you need is plastic eggs, string, birdseed and peanut butter. Here’s where you can find easy directions: http://playinghouseinmaryland.blogspot.com/2012/04/easter-egg-bird-feeders.html
JELLYBEAN EASTER BUTTERFLY Make this Easter Butterfly to give to your family or friends. Materials: Clothespins, pink paint, googly eyes/black magic marker pipe cleaners, glue, sandwich bags and jelly beans. Directions: 1. Paint a clothespin. 2. Glue googly eyes on to clothes pin or use black marker to draw on the eyes. 3. Glue on pipe cleaner antenna. 4 . Fill a sandwich bag with jellybeans. 5. Clip in the middle. 6. Place a Butterfly Gift on everyone’s plate at the dinner table.
EASTER THEMED COLORING PAGES FOR KIDS Print any or all of these 23 pictures for the children to color then staple them together to make an Easter Coloring Booklet.
Most important, make Easter a celebration! It's easy to get stressed over any holiday, but remember, you are making lifelong memories with your little ones, so keep love and caring at the top of your "crafts" every day.
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