60+ Awesome Activities To Do With Your Kids

2019 August 01
by Birthday Keepsakes

Our friends at Hobby Help put together an amazing list of activities to encourage family time, and summer time learning and fun.  From staycations and reading marathons to road trips and discovering local treasures, there’s something on this list for every family.  Here are a few to get you started. You can read the full list at: https://hobbyhelp.com/kids/activities/

Set a Reading Goal

Aim to read to/with your kids daily. My kids have a pile of favorite books that they request on a regular basis. I’m fairly certain we all have the entire Dr. Seuss collection memorized at this point.

Let your kids take turns choosing a book, and read to them at naptime and/or every night before bed. As they start learning to read, ask them to read to you or the entire family, and be sure to praise them for a job well done. This will help them gain confidence and self-esteem while boosting their reading skills.

Indoor Treasure Hunt

Next time you’re at a discount or dollar store, pick up a few games, toys, and treats for your kiddos, and stash the prizes away for a rainy day treasure hunt. During a day at home, hide the items, and give each child a list of clues and a bag or box to collect their treasures. The process is fun, and your kids will have plenty of new goodies to keep them occupied for the rest of the dreary day.

Have a Dance Party

Put together a playlist of your kids’ favorite cheerful songs, include a few of your own favs, and have an impromptu dance party every now and then! For little kids, Laurie Berkner is full of energy and sings fun, upbeat songs. There are lots of free apps to stream music and make your own playlists. We love Google Play Music at our house. Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube are also excellent options. We also love the game Just Dance, which is available for multiple game consoles.

Tip: Turn on upbeat music in the morning while your family gets ready for the day. It’s a great way to start the day out on a positive note!

Play Video Games Together

Video games get a bad rap, but the truth is, they’re fun and can even be educational. Playing your children’s favorite video games may help you understand the appeal and lessen your frustration level the next time you call them to dinner and they beg to finish the level they’re on.

I also love playing my favorite video games from my childhood with my kids. If you have an old Nintendo or Atari collecting dust, break it out for an afternoon of fun! Some gaming companies even have rebooted versions of their most popular consoles and games.

Visit Your Local Library

There are endless adventures waiting for you and your child at your local library. Not only are there age-appropriate books and magazines for everyone from babies to adults; if your library is anything like ours, there is a monthly calendar with fun, educational activities and events for every age group.

From baby story time and family fun nights to teen craft hour and book discussions, there are a menagerie of free happenings for everyone in the family. Our local library has a creative writing class for teens and adults, and our local zoo even visited on one occasion. For those times when my children choose a kids-only activity, I find a mystery/thriller (my favorite!) and curl up in a cozy nook of the library. It’s impossible not to unwind.


There are so many more ideas at this great blog: https://hobbyhelp.com/kids/activities/ so be sure to stop by and take a look!

And be sure to make time for your kids this summer and always.  Before you know it, they'll be grown and off to their own lives, you won't regret a moment that you made the time for them!


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